When it comes to presentation, the devil is in the details. If you have tile flooring anywhere in your home, office, or business, then those details lie in between your tiles—that’s right, we’re talking about your grout!
Too many home and business owners overlook the importance of regular grout maintenance, but caring for your grout is important if you want your floors to maintain their clean and attractive appearance. Here are some tips to help you keep your grout clean and sparkling until the next time you call Horizon’s professional tile and grout cleaners!
1) Start mild with water and a brush.
While it’s not bad to use product on your grout if you have the right one, it is still better to try some good old-fashioned water and elbow grease first. Spray warm water onto your grout and use a grout brush to scrub away dirt, grime, and stains. Even if you end up needing a tougher solution, this is still beneficial for removing the first layer of debris.
2) For lightly-stained grout, use a mixture of baking soda, water, and vinegar.
If water isn’t doing the trick, combine equal parts water and vinegar with baking soda in a bowl. Add enough baking soda to give the mixture a paste-like consistency. Use the brush to scrub the mixture onto the grout, then rinse with water. For more stubborn stains, you can add a little hydrogen peroxide and dish soap to your solution as well.
3) Steam clean to remove deeper grime and staining.
Steam cleaning with a steam mop is good for grout that has a lot of dirt, mildew, and/or more severe discoloration. It is also an environmentally-friendly option, as opposed to using harsher cleaners with bleach. Steam cleaning can also remove your grout’s sealant though, so be sure to reapply when you’re done.
4) If stains are still not budging, consider grout recoloring.
Deep grout stains and discoloration sometimes cannot be lifted with conventional cleaning methods. Grout recoloring, during which a special pigmented sealant is used to rejuvenate grout in between your tiles, may be your most viable option in this situation. It’s always best to leave grout recoloring to a professional.
If you’re a home or business owner in Phoenix, Peoria, or surrounding Arizona areas, Horizon Carpet, Upholstery, Tile & Grout Cleaners has your grout needs covered. We offer professional tile and grout cleaning, grout recoloring and restoration, and all of the other services you need to keep your floors in top shape.
Get in touch with our team today to learn more about how we can help you and your flooring!